Title | Sharenting, the musical |
Brief | We found an opportunity in one of the events that gathers the most sharenters per square meter: school plays and musicals. These pedagogical events for children, where the overexposure multiplies, can be turned into a creative platform to engage both children and parents in a fun and educational way, promoting responsible sharing of children's material on social media.With that insight in mind, we leveraged the power of storytelling through a school musical and created a relatable scenario where children taught their oblivious parents about online safety. |
Agency | VML (formerly VMLY&R) |
Campaign | Sharenting, Movistar/Movistar |
Advertiser | Telefónica |
Brand | Movistar |
Date of First Broadcast/Publication | Subscribers Only |
Business Sector | Subscribers Only |
Story | Subscribers Only |
Media Type | Television |
Length | |
Nino Goldberg | C...f Cr....ve O....er L...M Subscribers Only |
Victoria Cole | ..O Ar.....na Subscribers Only |
Rafael Quijano / Dario Gonzalez | ..O Ar.....na Subscribers Only |
Daniel Felix / Maximiliano Pugliese | Cr....ve Di....or Subscribers Only |
Tatiana Dobosz / María Mercedes Esposito | Co.....ter Subscribers Only |
Macarena Sanchez / Catalina Menendez / Zoe Vitale | ..t Di....or Subscribers Only |
Fernando Rossini | H..d .f ..t Subscribers Only |
Solana Viton | ..t L..d Subscribers Only |
Josefina Espil / Marcelo Fontao | H..d .f pr.....ion Subscribers Only |
Daniela Rivero | Pr.....ion M....er Subscribers Only |
Marina Carranza / Lucia Spratt / Williams Morales | An.....r/ E...or Subscribers Only |
Delfina Scalise | Cr....ve Op.....ons Subscribers Only |
Fabiana Antonelli | C...f C...nt &...; St....gy O....er Subscribers Only |
Belén Yusso | C...nt Se....es Di....or Subscribers Only |
María José Zuccarelli | A....nt Su.....sor Subscribers Only |
Ayelén Rodriguez Trinta | A....nt Ex.....ve Subscribers Only |
Fabiola Zerpa | B...d St....gy L..d Subscribers Only |
Lourdes Toledo / Shana Luz Napolitano | B...d St......sts Subscribers Only |
Silvina Coto | H..d .f C....nt &...; C...s St....gy Subscribers Only |
Estefania Pezzutti | C....nt &...; C...s St.....ist Subscribers Only |
Noelia Varejao | C....nt M....er Subscribers Only |
Alejandro Francolini | C...f M....ch O....er Subscribers Only |
Juan Simon | T..h M....er Subscribers Only |
Diego Ferrero | S...d L..d Subscribers Only |
Javier Corra | T..h L..d Subscribers Only |
Rodrigo Molina Rudich | Fr....nd De.....er Subscribers Only |
Federico Hollweck | P....ct M....er Subscribers Only |
Julian Heredia / Maximiliano Leeb | Sy.....ns Subscribers Only |
Almendra Ogdon | Ad......ing ..d B...d M....er . MO....AR Subscribers Only |
Agustina Iparraguirre | H..d .f B...d ..d Ad......ing . MO....AR Subscribers Only |
Mayra Huertos | B...d A....st . MO....AR Subscribers Only |