Title | You name it |
Campaign | You Name it |
Advertiser | CAREEM |
Brand | Careem |
Date of First Broadcast/Publication | 2023 / 6 |
Product | Careem Plus |
Business Sector | Internet Sites (Excluding ISPs) / Apps. |
Story | Careem Plus is a new service that offers wide range of services like rides of course, besides dinning experience, bikes, laundry, food delivery you name it. But how to list all theses services in one ad and getting consumers to remember them? we created and ear-worm with all the services showing all the services Careem Plus has along with using heavy CGI to have a strong visual statement for every service. |
Media Type | Television |
Length | |
Agency/Client | Careem |
Director | Hamba and Doss |
DOP | Ahmed Tarek Bayoumi |
Production Design | Ahmed Shaaban - Stag Designs |
Stylist | Ahmed Soroor |
Editor | Baher Rasheed |
Production House | Yellow Duck Films |
Colorist | Lita |
Music Producer | Amr Khaled |
CGI/VFX | Gemini Studios |