Title | Yandex Browser: Neuropowers |
Campaign | Yandex Browser: Neuropowers |
Advertiser | Yandex |
Brand | Yandex Browser |
Date of First Broadcast/Publication | 2024 / 2 |
Business Sector | Internet Sites (Excluding ISPs) / Apps. |
Story | The new Yandex Browser has neural networks now, which means it has become super-powerful and functionally upgraded. How did we describe this in our advertising campaign? We showed each feature as a unique neural power that allows you to understand foreign languages, read videos, create unique pictures and write stylistically delightful texts. And all this thanks to new neural network features in the Neurobrowser. |
Media Type | Television |
Length | |
Alexandra Novokhatskaya | Creative Director |
Olga Denisova | Producer |
Nikolay Nikitin | Senior Art-Director |
Valentina Ekimian | Copywriter |
Alexander Maltsev | CMO Yandex Browser |
CLAN | Production |
Anton Shavkero | Director |