In a few words, can you tell us who you are what your job title is?
Having started my career as a TV cameraperson turned commercial editor (and then director) turned production company creative director.. and somehow back again... I've seen a lot of the craft and creative side of this industry in the last 20+ years. At the moment job titles come in bouquets. Mine is florid and as currently varied as my experience.
What word would you best use to describe your office’s culture? Give us an example
Supportive. The key word has always been to support one another and help each other build creative capacity, vision and career. While the last few years have served up some disruption of what one would normally call "office culture," there is always innovation to be had.
If you were stranded on a desert island and could only use one app., which app would it be?
Maybe a podcast catcher? Or e-book app? Or music making app? Assuming I can't order from a food delivery service.
If you could choose three ads from history that you didn’t work on and add them to your portfolio, which three would you choose? Explain why
Todd Stewart:
1 Any advertisement that had a meaningful parent-child interraction. Those always make me misty, almost no matter the brand.
2 Those Spike Lee - Michael Jordan adverts. They were the best. Do you know, do you know, do you know?
3 Floria Sigismondi's Eaton Aubergine spot. Perfectly crafted to re-awaken the nostalgia for the classic dance number. A whirlwind of joy.
What is your opinion on the growing trend of agencies getting involved with developing products for clients?
Can you watch this case study for Hammerhead Navigation and tell us your thoughts on the product and the campaign?
Seems like a useful product, especially as I ride a bike in the city plenty. The messaging is clear enough. The style of the commercial should feel more fluid and indicative of the natural ease of use of the product, perhaps. For instance, there are plenty of static moments depicting websites, UX, etc. These should feel more dynamic and physical in a camera movement applied. The VO is believable and reassuring, but there are some copy writing moments I'd quibble with.