The brief was to respond to Samsung’s ‘Growing Up’ film.
The mobile phone market is a market where you have two main leaders.
How to exist when you are the real challenger ? Difficult. Except when one of the two leaders opens the way for you.
That’s what happened with ‘Growing Up’.
In a few words, tell us about your role in the creation of this work
The whole Samsung vs Apple is a battle of product features. With its totally unique ‘mod’ system, Motorola on this field has a lot to say. When competition thinks size of screen, Motorola thinks projector. That’s how we found the idea of the new ‘ending’ of the Samsung film and wrote it up. The biggest challenge after that was to be fast and produce it well which the team at Sovage did brilliantly.
How difficult was it to sell the idea to Moto Z Moto Mods ?
The idea is simple. Powerful. Based on their product features. And bold in the way it hijacks the conversation for their benefit. They bought it instantly, even globally we had the go for prod when we woke up the morning after we presented.
What was the biggest challenge you faced during the process?
To find the casting in such a short space of time- we needed our hero and his girlfriend to be as close to the Samsung couple as possible.
What did you learn from the experience?
Sometimes a super short turn around and going fast is great- no second guessing, just gut feeling.
It shortcuts all process, obliges people to stay focused on what really matters. Producing the best in the shortest timing.
That creates magic !
What’s a “behind the scenes” story that only you know about?