Davide Bergna
Account Director at Sanofi
Milano, Italy
TitleThe Invisible Monument
BriefThe Invisible Monument was the first Monument dedicated to rare disease patients.The idea was to finally make visible those who feel invisible. On the World Day of Rare Diseases, in a square in the center of Rome, the city with the most monuments in the world and representing the Italian institutions, we installed the Invisible Monument. A marble Monument, but without a statue, that would tell how rare patients feel every day and the stories of all these people through an online experience.The most important result is surely the one that involved part of the Italian institutions. The former Minister of Health and some of the deputies and parliamentarians of the Republic, went in front of the Monument, speaking publicly about the need to unlock the law and the special funds for rare diseases. The Invisible Monument has accelerated the political debate, unlocking the law about it.
Campaign The Invisible Monument
Advertiser Sanofi
Brand Sanofi

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PostedMay 2022
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