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Title | British Election |
Brief | When Britain was thrown into a snap election, The Economist reacted quickly. The election was expected to be a foregone conclusion. To help avoid a complacent vote, (or worse, a no-show), The Economist took centre stage by offering every person in Britain free access to the magazine's sharp perspective. From the eccentricity of Snapchat to the accessibility of outdoor, the message was reached potential readers wherever the conversation was happening. |
Agency | Proximity London |
Campaign | British Election |
Advertiser | The Economist |
Brand | The Economist |
Posted | November 2017 |
Business Sector | Subscribers Only |
Story | Subscribers Only |
Media Type | Case Study |
Executive Creative Director | J..n Subscribers Only |
Deputy Executive Creative Director | J...n Subscribers Only |
Art Director | ..b Subscribers Only |
Copywriter | ..n Subscribers Only |
Account Manager | J...s Subscribers Only |
Account Director | P...a A..n Subscribers Only |
Business Director | M..t Br.....sby Subscribers Only |
Account Planner | M..t Subscribers Only |
Design | Ga....le M....te Subscribers Only |
Design | M...h Subscribers Only |