Robin Ashmore
Principal at Amélie Company
United States

Robin Ashmore Interview(s)

Tell us about yourself and what you do in your current position.
I’m a founder and owner of Amélie Company, a small and mighty ad agency in Denver, CO. My current role is leading business development efforts and helping with strategic planning.
Describe the culture at your agency; What is it like?
We value humility here and that goes a long way to create a very pleasant environment. We treat one another, our clients and partners with respect and compassion.
How does that culture compliment the juggling act that is being a working mother?
Very well, I think. I’m a mother of three and we have plenty of other mothers at Amélie who keep coming back. In our work culture, we value results and meeting goals — being present at the agency for a certain number of hours is not the point and people don’t feel pressure to be seen at their desks.
How has being a mother changed how you approach any aspects of your job?
That’s hard to say, because I’ve been a mother for a long time. I will say that being a mother has given me reasons to consider why I do what I do and what parts of my job I value the most.
What would you say are the most rewarding aspects of being a working mother?
By far, it’s setting an example for my kids and showing them what a strong, smart, active and involved mom looks like.
What are the biggest challenges, if any?
Summer time! Every year when school gets out, I wish I could have the summer off to go on new adventures, travel and explore with my kids.
What steps do you take to ensure you achieve a healthy work-life balance?
I know parents who almost apologize to their kids for having to work, but I chose another route. I let my kids know that I have a great, challenging and rewarding job to do (even if some days are not awesome) and that they, too, have their own things to do at school. When we get home at the end of the day, we can share what we did in our respective lives. It gives my kids a sense of responsibility and pride to know that I expect them to embrace their own pursuits.
What professional achievement are you most proud of?
Building an agency from the ground up and winning Ad Age’s 2017 Small Agency of the Year Award!
What changes do you hope to see for future working parents?
Maternity/paternity leave. There’s still a lot of work to be done in this area. We only recently added a paternal leave policy and I’m proud of this. In many instances, remote working is also a very promising strategy to help working parents.
Who are some working mothers that you admire/look up to?
I really admire the moms of young children who I work with every day here at the agency. I see their struggles and how gracefully they cope with a sick kid at the same time that a deadline must be met.

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