Title | Slow down - Warnings from beyond |
Brief | The idea behind the spot was that reckless drivers would be more likely to listen to a message coming from someone who is already deceased due to speeding. By using AI, the voice of the deceased individual, Kati, was recreated to deliver a compelling road safety message. Her voice serves as a living testimony to the dangers of speeding, aiming to raise awareness and emotionally prompt safer driving practices. |
Agency | Heimat Wien |
Campaign | Slow down - Warnings from beyond |
Advertiser | Kuratorium Fur Verkehrssicherheit |
Brand | Kuratorium Fur Verkehrssicherheit |
Date of First Broadcast/Publication | Subscribers Only |
Business Sector | Subscribers Only |
Story | Subscribers Only |
Media Type | Case Study |
Chief Creative Officer | Al.....er H....nn Subscribers Only |
Creative Director | Al.....er H....nn Subscribers Only |
Copywriter | N..a V...m Subscribers Only |
Creative Director | F...x H....nn Subscribers Only |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) | M...us W...er Subscribers Only |
Account Director | D...ta Ki....er Subscribers Only |