Why did you think it was important to join the PHNX jury this year?
It is very important for me to be part of the jury in this festival because it is one of those that I admire and has a high level of competition.
In addition to being able to see firsthand high-level work from large network agencies and independent agencies with a lot of enthusiasm.
What do you think of our hybrid jury, featuring creatives but also strategists, clients and people from all corners of the industry?
Very positive. I think it can be much more critical in judging not only the idea, but also measuring the result, the strategy or if it really fulfills a brief or a brand needs and it's not just a nice video tailored for a festival.
What do you think of the idea of free entry until the shortlist stage?
I think it gives a great opportunity to independent agencies. There are agencies with very good ideas but maybe they don't have as a priority to spend on festivals that have a high fee just to see what happens.
It's a great opportunity for benchmarking without thinking about cost. In that opening phase, I think everyone competes and you can see what happens. There are always agencies that surprise, I include myself in that.
How would you define the perfect PHNX Awards winner?
An idea that solves an obvious problem with an unexpected solution but can be scalable and replicable.
If there's one thing I like to see in a case, it's that they make me see the problem as a real problem and then how they solved it. Sometimes the solution is so simple that it was always in sight and yet no one sees it.
What is having the biggest impact on creative trends at the moment?
I think we are in that transition where brands are already looking to connect with a new generation (GenZ). I see that the trend is to get to know this generation, what moves them, what scares them. And it really is a complex generation. There are brands that simply have to accept that they are not for everyone. I think it's a generation that appreciates honesty and reject forced connections.
Who would you nominate as your two or three “creatives of the year”?