Why did you think it was important to join the PHNX jury this year?
For me is completely new experience, because until now i joined to creative festival only as competitor. And im sure im not alone, which is great, because new people with this chance can really evaluate objectively.
What do you think of our hybrid jury, featuring creatives but also strategists, clients and people from all corners of the industry?
It is huge filter of people and professions which is gurancy that only great ideas will be successful.
What do you think of the idea of free entry until the shortlist stage?
It is a great chance not only for ideas with "good origin". I think, this should be standard, because a lot of ideas from the world are unseen just because of lack of money.
How would you define the perfect PHNX Awards winner?
Everybody who has done creative job professionally and with passion in heart.
What is having the biggest impact on creative trends at the moment?
Who would you nominate as your two or three “creatives of the year”?
Aaron Starkman from Rethink agency.
Nicholas Blechman from The New Yorker magazine.
Pablo Rochat.