Muenfua Lewis
Senior Strategist at VCCP US
Brooklyn, United States

Muenfua Lewis Interview(s)

What motivates you to be part of the PHNX Jury, and what do you hope to bring to the judging process?
My journey into this industry is nothing short of unconventional. Which has formed such a deep respect for what we do. It's an honor to judge work that makes this industry so highly coveted. I've worked in different industries. I've done the work of building a brand in the heart of culture. I hope to bring my personal perspective which is informed by my past experiences.
PHNX has always been about celebrating creativity in all its forms. What new perspectives or disciplines do you think deserve more recognition in award shows today?
Culture-first work is what resonates with me. It's the hardest to measure, but the impact is undeniable. I would love to see us continue challenging existing structures to ensure we recognize breakthrough work.
Which countries or regions do you think are leading the creative field right now? And which emerging markets should we look out for?
Your global advertising hubs are always producing great work. However, some incredible things are happening in West Africa. Countries like Ghana and Nigeria, may not have the same infrastructure we have for advertising, but tremendous creativity is taking place in the groundswell of culture. The rest of the world should take note.
What trends or cultural shifts do you think will define the most impactful creative work this year?
As the political climate in the United States rages war against diversity initiatives, who will be a champion for diverse thought and perspective, and who will not? Regardless of where you stand, we'll feel its impact.
If you could give one piece of advice to agencies and creatives submitting their work, what would it be?
It only works if it all works. Strategy, Creative, etc.
Which creative minds are inspiring you the most right now?
They live outside the Ad world, but their influence will find its way into our work. How can you not be amazed by the contributions of Kendrick Lamar and is PGLang collective? Authentic and Meaningful.

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