2009 The New York Festivals Advertising Awards Award Winners

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2009 The New York Festivals - Gold World Medal - Home Items
2009 The New York Festivals - Gold World Medal - Foods
2009 The New York Festivals - Gold World Medal - Logos
2009 The New York Festivals - Silver World Medal - Banners
2009 The New York Festivals - Silver World Medal - Banners
2009 The New York Festivals - Silver World Medal - Brand Identity
2009 The New York Festivals - Silver World Medal - Brand Identity
2009 The New York Festivals - Silver World Medal - Foods
2009 The New York Festivals - Silver World Medal - Foods
2009 The New York Festivals - Silver World Medal - Public Service / Non profit

Endless line

AGENCY: MullenLowe Profero
BRAND: Frank
CATEGORY: Public Service / Non profit
AWARD: Silver World Medal

2009 The New York Festivals - Bronze World Medal - Foods
2009 The New York Festivals - Bronze World Medal - Stationary
2009 The New York Festivals - Bronze World Medal - Logos

Office Games

AGENCY: The Partners
BRAND: Richard House
AWARD: Bronze World Medal

2009 The New York Festivals - Bronze World Medal - Public Service / Non profit

Donate A Meal

AGENCY: Ogilvy Germany
BRAND: Düsseldorfer Tafel
CATEGORY: Public Service / Non profit
AWARD: Bronze World Medal