2019 The New York Festivals Advertising Awards Award Winners

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2019 The New York Festivals - First Prize Award - Health & Wellness
Package & Product Design

Stories to inhale

BRAND: Nebulizer masks for children
CATEGORY: Health & Wellness
AWARD: First Prize Award

2019 The New York Festivals - First Prize Award - Health & Wellness
Package & Product Design

Sip Safe

AGENCY: George Patterson Y&R
BRAND: Monash University
CATEGORY: Health & Wellness
AWARD: First Prize Award
ADVERTISER: Monash University

2019 The New York Festivals - First Prize Award - Health & Wellness
Direct & Collateral

Sip Safe

AGENCY: George Patterson Y&R
BRAND: Monash University
CATEGORY: Health & Wellness
AWARD: First Prize Award
ADVERTISER: Monash University

2019 The New York Festivals - First Prize Award - Health & Wellness
Package & Product Design

RX Prescription stickers

AGENCY: The Classic Partnership Advertising
BRAND: Prescription Label
CATEGORY: Health & Wellness
AWARD: First Prize Award
ADVERTISER: Dubai Health Authority

2019 The New York Festivals - Second Prize Award - Health & Wellness
Activation & Engagement

Sip Safe

AGENCY: George Patterson Y&R
BRAND: Monash University
CATEGORY: Health & Wellness
AWARD: Second Prize Award
ADVERTISER: Monash University

2019 The New York Festivals - Second Prize Award - Health & Wellness
Direct & Collateral

RX Prescription stickers

AGENCY: The Classic Partnership Advertising
BRAND: Prescription Label
CATEGORY: Health & Wellness
AWARD: Second Prize Award
ADVERTISER: Dubai Health Authority

2019 The New York Festivals - Second Prize Award   - Health & Wellness
Package & Product Design

Designer Hearing

AGENCY: Marketforce Australia
BRAND: Telethon Speech and Hearing
CATEGORY: Health & Wellness
AWARD: Second Prize Award
ADVERTISER: Telethon Speech and Hearing

2019 The New York Festivals - Second Prize Award  - Health & Wellness
Package & Product Design

Made by Your Skin

AGENCY: Accenture Song (formerly Kolle Rebbe)
BRAND: Skinmade
CATEGORY: Health & Wellness
AWARD: Second Prize Award

2019 The New York Festivals - Third Prize Award - Health & Wellness
Collaborations & Partnerships


AGENCY: J. Walter Thompson Colombia
BRAND: Easy Taxi
CATEGORY: Health & Wellness
AWARD: Third Prize Award
ADVERTISER: Colombian Red Cross

2019 The New York Festivals - Third Prize Award  - Health & Wellness

The Error Ridden Ad

AGENCY: Cummins & Partners
BRAND: Specsavers
CATEGORY: Health & Wellness
AWARD: Third Prize Award
ADVERTISER: Specsavers

2019 The New York Festivals - Third Prize Award - Health & Wellness
2019 The New York Festivals - Third Prize Award - Health & Wellness
2019 The New York Festivals - Third Prize Award - Health & Wellness