2012 New York Festivals - Innovative Advertising Awards Award Winners

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Integrated (Mixed Media) Marketing
2012 The New York Festivals - AME Silver Award - Integrated (Mixed Media) Marketing
2012 The New York Festivals - AME Silver Award - Integrated (Mixed Media) Marketing
2012 The New York Festivals - AME Bronze Award - Integrated (Mixed Media) Marketing

Frankfurt Builds the New Staedel

AGENCY: Ogilvy Germany
BRAND: Staedel Museum
CATEGORY: Integrated (Mixed Media) Marketing
AWARD: AME Bronze Award
ADVERTISER: Städel Museum

2012 The New York Festivals - AME Finalist Award - Integrated (Mixed Media) Marketing

Club der Töchter

AGENCY: Jung von Matt/Alster
CATEGORY: Integrated (Mixed Media) Marketing
AWARD: AME Finalist Award

2012 The New York Festivals - AME Finalist Award - Integrated (Mixed Media) Marketing

Storm Chasers Season 4

AGENCY: phd New York
BRAND: Discovery Channel
CATEGORY: Integrated (Mixed Media) Marketing
AWARD: AME Finalist Award
ADVERTISER: Discovery Communications, LLC.