A business studies graduate (ICN Nancy), Philippe started his career in 1988. Direct Marketing project manager at Mobil Oil France. In 1990, he joined Telog SA, a database management and telemarketing consultancy, where he managed one-to-one marketing campaigns for Mars Group, Renault, British Airways, Photo Service. In 1992 he was promoted Managing Director of this 25 people company.In January 1997, Philippe joined Wunderman, as a Client Services Director on Ford Account. He managed all CRM operations of the brand in the French market : retail customers loyalty programs , retail acquisition campaigns, fleet CRM programs, and management of client and prospect databases, brand internet strategy. He supervised a team of 32 people.
In February 2000, Philippe was named General Manager of Wunderman Paris, in charge of the agency ?s client portfolio and account teams. He was promoted CEO of Wunderman France in July 2002.