Littichai Panitjaroen

Littichai Panitjaroen (Oak)

Creative Director at Ogilvy Bangkok
Bangkok, Thailand

About me

Oak was raised in a government employee family.

His father is very strict man but does not strict enough to stop him from choosing to study in film major in the university

After graduating with a photography and cinematography degree.

He cound not wait to make the remarkable indy movie but, getting accepted to "Phenomena" Company messed up his plans of becoming an Indy film Director .

He started work in advertising field as an Assitant Director ,10 years later he found himself working as a Creative Director in Advertising Agency!
and most of his work not even close to indy movies

His work has been featured on Cannes Lion, Ad fest,Spike Asia ,Ad Star, B.A.D Awards and Adman

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