Rob can pitch a five-man tent in under 10 minutes in any weather conditions but, remarkably, this is not his biggest talent. Growing up in the West country of England, he spent his formative years break dancing and harboring dreams of becoming an Astronaut (because all good astronauts should be able to body-pop), but neither head-spinning on sheets of cardboard or space travel are what we think he’s best at. No, we like his films most. Amazing ones that are full of atmosphere, beauty and huge, epic-ness. Rob’s background in graphic design and his love of photography burns through his work . He’s a vivid story teller and, what’s more, he loves a dabble in digital content and interactive ideas too – what’s not to love? And, as a bonus, if we ever need to save a bit of money on a shoot, we’ll just get him to prove his tent-erecting skills and then take it out of the hotel budget. Everyone’s a winner!