Growing up in the suburbs of Chicago, Mike was fed a steady diet of middle-class morality and Marvel comics. After overachieving through the public school system, Mike graduated high school with a Camaro and a mullet, and moved on to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York where he obtained his Ph.D. Better known by our clients as "Dr. Data," Mike is a mathematical physicist by training—and yes, technically this means he's a rocket scientist. At BVK, he applies this training by looking for patterns, relationships and correlations, which he uses to construct mathematical and forecasting models to both describe current trends and predict future ones. The insights gained by many of these analytical methods offer clients the ability to interact more personally with customers, which is a distinct competitive advantage. Prior to joining BVK, Mike applied these skills within a variety of industries, including catalog, online retail, travel, insurance and healthcare.