Luke Duggan

Luke Duggan

Executive Creative Director at Big Watermelon
North Sydney, United States

About me

I whistle on the way to work. Sometimes I skip. Throw in a little Angus Young guitar strut.
Why? Because I actually like what I do. At work. Hell, you could call it at play. I go to play. Wherever that may be. To make money for myself. And a boatload of money for my clients. And yes that makes us all happy. Because we are creative people, happy to experiment and play and make things. Anything. Ads, experiences, games, toys, kids' cereal. Whatever. As long as it’s the best way to solve a clients problem. I've been solving clients problems since the futuristic year of 2000. One by one. The best way. With creativity and fun. It’s pretty simple really. And if it matters, I've collected metal trinkets along the way. From Cannes, D&AD, LIA, New York Festivals, Clio, Adfest, AWARD.
I like to work for progressive companies. Always looking at new ways of doing things. Where they question everything. They change things when they need to. They innovate and grow as a whole group and don't rely on a select few to do it. That's why I've tutored AWARD School four times. Share what I've learned from The Greats.
I love what I do. I love that you love what I do. I believe brave clients make waves. We solve problems together. With balls. Big, big balls.
Luke Duggan is a New York based award winning Art / Creative Director hailing from Sydney, Australia. Working with challenger and global brands for the past 20 years. Overseeing major projects for Apple, Uber, Jack Daniel’s, Volvo, Peugeot, VW, Sony, Guinness, Harley-Davidson, Skins, Electrolux, HP, Schweppes, P&G, Hamilton Island, Smart Traveller, GlaxoSmithKline.
At a variety of amazing agencies - Endeavor 160/90, Apple, World Wide Mind, The Many, TBWA, Media Arts Lab, AKQA, R/GA, BWM Dentsu, Special Group, Arnold, DDB, McCann, Saatchi & Saatchi. Partnering with the smallest and top production companies, photographers, designers, musicians and artists. Is a fan of twisted, lateral thinking. He also writes stuff and curates international art exhibitions and events.

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