Jesús Revuelta

Jesús Revuelta

Executive Creative Director at Freelance
Madrid, Spain

About me

I don’t like interrupting films, getting the landscape dirty nor bombing mailboxes. I don’t like the term “360”, which means to me to shoot in every direction, like tanks. I don’t like advertising. But I love advertising. So, what can I do to change it?

I develop comms strategies based on integrated (in people’s lives) ideas. Actions that leak into daily life like a liquid in a crack. I help brands to design and plan their behaviors, because I think they will be more convincing than their words.

The digital thinking, DoubleYou Barcelona and the bravery of clients such as Nike,, ING, Vodafone, Mahou or Nestlé, taught me that attracting works better than pursuing. It’s a universal principle: it works with brands and with people, in every media and in every country. And I was able to test it also in Costa Rica.

At 30, I became the youngest Chief Creative Officer in Ogilvy Latina. During the 2 years I led the department, my goal was to transform the agency’s traditional culture into a liquid/integrated one. To do so, we demolished the walls between the online and offline creatives and we all looked for the meaningful “liquid idea” before proposing a specific use of media. As a result of applying all these principles with clients such as Claro, Huawei Technologies or Forever 21, Ogilvy & Mather was named Costa Rican Agency of the Year for the first and second time in its history.

I came back to Spain, assumed the ECD rol at MRM//McCann Madrid and working for Santander Bank we won the 1st Cannes Lions Entertainment Grand Prix in Spanish advertising history, contributing to place the agency as the Spanish Creative Agency of the Year at Cannes Lions 2017. An experience I'd never sell.

I’ve been lucky taking part in many awarded campaigns and I’d like to keep going, but my main ambition is still to contribute with meaningful, honest ideas to dignify this profession. I hope that adblockers and the sign my neighbours put in the entrance hall to avoid advertising, will one day not be necessary.


Executive Creative Director
Madrid, Spain
June 2016 - June 2017 (1 year)
I co-led the department and personally hired +10 creatives, as a member of the Senior Leadership Team.

Main goal:
- To build the agency's creative reputation.

Main achievements:
- Spain's 1st ever Cannes Lions Entertainment Grand Prix: "Beyond Money", Santander Bank. (Client Contact: Elena Alti, Digital Mkt Director).
- Nestea became new client after a pitch in which we delivered "the most liquid idea, with standards of a world-class agency", according to Marcos De la Torre (International Marketing Director at The Coca-Cola Company & Nestlé).
Creativity & Strategy
October 2015 - May 2016 (7 months)
Digital & Integrated Brand Comms & Strategy for Businesses and Agencies:

- MRM//McCann Madrid. Proposal for Telefónica (Spain and Latam), pitch for Ron Barceló - Grupo Varma,...(February - May '16)
- Brand Strategy Consulting. Brand purpose definition for Kerad Games (online football mobile gaming company owned by FC Barcelona player Gerard Piqué). (November '15 to February '16).
- Speaker at the Sports Inspiration Dive (Milan) organized by the Portuguese retail company Sonae for their Innovation and Product Development departments. (January '16)
Chief Creative Officer
Ogilvy Costa Rica
San José, Costa Rica
November 2013 - September 2015 (1 year 10 months)
Being the youngest CCO in the Ogilvy Latina region and member of the Regional Creative Board, I was in charge of a +20 members creative team.

- Claro Americas, Huawei Technologies, Forever 21, amongst others.

Main goal:
- To adapt a print-oriented office towards an integrated/liquid culture.

Main achievements:
- Agency of the Year in Costa Rica for the 1st and the 2nd time in its history.
- Huawei chose Ogilvy as its only agency because we showed "a really integrated thought" according to Steve Yang, Huawei Country Manager.
Creative Director
Barcelona, Spain
July 2007 - November 2013 (6 years 4 months)
Creative concept, strategy and project leading in a creative team of 6 members.
Digital & integrated campaigns, branded content and social media strategy.

- Nike, Nestlé,

DoubleYou is a highly awarded integrated advertising communications agency with a digital culture, a multidisciplinary vision and a creative profile. Spanish Digital agency of the decade.
Barcelona, Spain
2006 - 2007 (1 year)
Copywriting for digital and direct marketing (newsletters, websites, OLM)
Brands: Nestlé, Cruzcampo, Gas Natural.
Ogilvy & Mather Publicidad
Barcelona, Spain
December 2005 - June 2006 (6 months)
Copywriting for offline media.
Brands: Cruzcampo, Buckler, Panasonic.

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