Alex Garbini

Alex Garbini

Senior Copywriter at Freelancer

About me

Há mais de treze anos no mercado, crio fortes conceitos para atingir seu target online, offline, ATL, BTL, Guerrilha, enfim, usando All The Lines. Tenho muita experiência em varejo, campanhas institucionais e governamentais.

More than thirteen years working in advertising, I create strong concepts to achieve your target online, offline, ATL, BTL, Guerrilla, whatever the media you need, using All The Lines. I have a great experience in retail, corporate and governmental campaigns.

Já trabalhei para esses clientes - I´ve worked for these brands:
Harley-Davidson, TIM, GE, FOX, Avianca, Panini, Laticínios Aviação, Supermercados Dia%, C&C casa&construção, Cinemark, Santander, Alô Bebê, Shopping Ibirapuera, Prefeituras de Santo André, São Bernardo do Campo, Mogi das Cruzes, Ribeirão Pires e Macaé.

Adaptação de campanhas globais para o mercado brasileiro. - Transcreation of some global brands campaigns to the Brazilian market:
Nike, Nokia, Shell, Basf, Dove, Skype, Nestea etc.

Especialidades: redação publicitária, criação de conceitos e campanhas, B2C e B2B.
Specialties: advertising copy, creation of concepts and campaigns, B2C and B2B.


Senior Copywriter
February 2014 - Present (11 years)
Senior Copywriter Freelancer
Alta Comunicazione
March 2013 - January 2014 (10 months)
Senior Copywriter at ALTA
Alta Comunicazione
October 2011 - December 2012 (1 year 2 months)
Entre campanhas feitas para diversos clientes, destaque para as peças que foram selecionadas no ShowUp 2012 do Meio&Mensagem como o Melhor do Interior e Litoral. Seguem os links:

Among campaigns made for many clients, some Bellenew and Aviação´s pieces were highlighted at ShowUp Awards, evaluated from Meio & Mensagem as the Best of the Interior and Coast Advertising. Follow the links above to see them.
Senior Copywriter Freelancer
February 2011 - September 2011 (7 months)
Senior Copywriter
MF5 Comunicação
May 2010 - January 2011 (8 months)
Senior Copywriter
Upstream Systems
April 2009 - June 2009 (2 months)
Trabalhei em uma campanha de mobile marketing para a TIM Brasil. Após esse período, fui selecionado mais duas vezes para trabalhar on-line em campanhas de mobile para a TIM Brasil, baseado no Brasil.

Based in Athens, I worked on a mobile marketing campaign for TIM Brazil. After this period, I was selected twice to work on mobile campaigns for TIM Brazil, working on-line from Brazil.
Senior Copywriter
March 2007 - September 2008 (1 year 6 months)
Main clients: BSS (Armored vehicles), Coop (The largest Consumer's Cooperative in Latin America), Grupo Ouro Fino (Bathtub and Accessories for heating swimming pools), some Public Clients and others.
Senior Copywriter
C&F Comunicação
April 2006 - March 2007 (11 months)
All customers of this company (real estate), were builders launching new real estates.
Mid-Level Copywriter
Rái Comunicação
January 2005 - March 2006 (1 year 2 months)
Main Clients:
Onodera (Beauty Care), MCS Ponto TIM (Mobile Cell Phone Store), CNS Sapatos (Shoes Store), Shopping Taboão (Shopping Mall Center), ACM (Young Men's Christian Association), Alô Bebê (Store of Babies's products).
January 2003 - December 2004 (1 year 11 months)
At this time I´ve worked at my home office for general clients.
Mid-Level Copywriter
Newport Propaganda
January 2002 - December 2002 (11 months)
Main Clients:
Fox Film, C&C casa&construção (Construction Homecenter), casa&Móvel Shopping (Furniture Mall), Brascola (Glue and Stickers), Empório Bothânico (Perfumery).
Junior Copywriter 
Nuvola Design & Communication and
August 1999 - December 2001 (2 years 4 months)
Main Clients:
Harley-Davidson's Dealers, Ibirapuera Mall,, Option Motors (Car Dealer)



1997 - 1999 (2 years)


1989 - 1993 (4 years)

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