Bridging the gab between media and creativity. Responsible for all things social at Orchestra. Applying creative, strategic and analytical thinking to create and implement high impact, content driven and innovative digital/social campaigns and strategies across platforms and devices. Clients include Rådet For Sikker Trafik, TrygFonden, Carlsbergbyen, Den Blå Planet, Radio24Syv, Kirkens Korshær, Scanbox among others.
Applying creative, strategic and analytical thinking to create and implement high impact, content driven and innovative digital/social campaigns and strategies across platforms and devices.Clients include Ford Motor Company, Royal Unibrew, Pepsi Co, Europæiske ERV and Unilever among others.
-Contributed with the development and implementation of a completely new website for the organisation; including editorial work, imaging work, strategy etc. Social media strategy and implementation- Drafted articles for the magazine FairNok, published in 100.000 copies- Participated in event work – conceptualization and coordination- Writing and translation services, including writings for newsletters- Took part of the preparation of a large out-door advertising campaign
Moduler: Kreativitet, Forretningsforståelse og strategi, Teknologi, Medieplatforme, Bureauvirksomhed "Uddannelsen Hybrid Agency Program er for ambitiøse bureau-ansatte (også in-house), som ønsker at bidrage til at øge bureauets indtjening og sikre bureauets fulde kompetencer. Den skaber hybride bureaumedarbejdere, som kan medvirke til at forøge værdien i de opgaver, bureauet udvikler for kunderne. Grundlaget for uddannelsen er at erstatte siloerne med tværgående processer, multidisciplinær viden og et nyt fælles sprog omkring opgaverne." - Kreativitet og Kommunikation