Animal  Crackers

Animal Crackers

Animal Crackers Newest Fantasy Adventure Movies Best ACTION ADVENTURE Movies HD 2018 at free hd
new york, United States

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Owen Huntington's life is one continuous loop of work, eat, and sleep. A loop that keeps him from ever seeing his wife Zoe, or his three year old daughter MacKenzie. A loop that is sure to kill him. Then, one day, Owen discovers a long lost Uncle passed away - and left his Circus to Owen. What could have been a blessing - soon unfolds into a curse. The circus is broke. The animals are all gone. And most of the crew are too old to be of any use. It's a disaster. But something magical happens. Owen discovers Buffalo Bob's secret. A box of Animal Crackers that gives the bearer the ability to become any animal in the box. Suddenly - there's hope. If Owen can use the box to become these animals and perform people will come. He'll be rich. But Owen forgot one thing. Buffalo Bob had a brother. Horatio P. Huntington. Owner of the largest chain of circuses in the world. And Horatio would stop at nothing to get his hands on the Magical Animal Crackers.

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