Jim Mac

Jim Mac

Audio Engineer / Sound Designer at Avatar Studios
Saint Louis, United States

About me

Sound designer, mixer, dialog editor, engineer, composer. Since 1986. Microphones, keyboards, software, hardware, sound effects, foley thingies, music thingamajigs, voice doohickies, crashes, booms, explosions, subtle air movement, fart sounds (see previous), lovely music, and bad jokes. Oh, and puns. Lots of puns. The kids these days call them "dad jokes', but really, they're puns.



August 1980 - May 1986 (5 years 9 months)
School things. Radio station DJ, production director during this time. TV station production (shooter, editor, VO guy) during this time.

Trade Organizations

AES Audio Engineering Society


Other professional activities

NATAS Mid-American EMMYs

Awards Jury Member
February 1989 - Present (36 years 1 month)
7 EMMYs for various works, including national PSAs, local TV spots, and the like. https://emmymid-america.org/

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