Mohamed Ali  Saadi
Runner at Lucky Generals
London, United Kingdom
TitleAt 80, if they stay together, it's out of habit
BriefDuring the 1st of October, the international day of elderly people, the “Petits Frères des Pauvres” association would like to raise awareness about the intimate life of our elders. During this campaign, the association is highlighting a cliché that people often have about the sexual, intimate and affective life of the elderly. This stereotype is immediately discredited thanks to a nice picture of a stolen moment of an elderly couple.The campaign closure seeks to raise awareness: "Don’t reduce our elders to our clichés". The campaign reveals the association's report on the intimate and affective life of the elderly. The results are clear: advancing age doesn't prevent us from having desires, quite the opposite. Older people are satisfied with their intimate life. Only stereotypes get in the way.This campaign, has already given us exceptional results: the association's website has not been able to absorb the traffic and crashed.
Campaign Don't reduce elders to our clichés
Advertiser Les Petits Frères des Pauvres
Brand Petits Frères des Pauvres

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