Mohammad Babar Khan

Mohammad Babar Khan

Manager Marketing and Creative at ARY DIgital Network
Karachi, Pakistan

About me

Inspired by IDEAS...
Drawn to advertising and marketing and the potential it offers to make those ideas into a reality...
the development of a concept, the free exchange of thoughts, collecting raw, unpolished,
and absolutely outrageous fragments of imagination, and ripping them apart.
Then putting those shreds together with like minded people to create a masterpiece.

Who I am is a dreamer and a visual thinker, equally competent in copy, concept and design,
and passionate about great creative work fueled by great ideas. Someone who is not afraid
to move off the beaten path, and try something different; to explore, to experiment.
Constantly striving to bring something new to the table, no matter how complex the challenge might be.

Other professional activities

PHNX Tribute 2020

Awards Jury Member

PHNX 2022

Awards Jury Member

PHNX 2023

Awards Jury Member

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