I was born in Bogotá on November 16, 1981, I am passionate about soccer and a fan of Colombia's first champion team, professional in advertising and marketing with more than 9 years of experience in this medium. Full of passion for this business, I started my career as an Art Director combining creativity and design to expand my performance, which over time became great national and international recognitions.
I have experience in various categories and brands such as SABMiller, Unilever, Alpina, El Espectador, Linkempleo.com, Colsubsidio, Schering-Plow, Johnson and Johnson, GlaxoSmithKline, Amazon, ETB, Aldor, Copa Ailrlines, Mazda, BMW, KIA, Gas Natural Fenosa, Grupo Nacional de Chocolates, Alquería, Ministry of Defense, Fundación Cardio Infantil and Fundación Ayuda en Acción