I’ve spent the last 15+ years working where brand storytelling, commerce, and technology meet. In the process I’ve quickly stepped into leadership roles, giving me a holistic view of the business and in turn allowing me to identify opportunities, hurdles and find ways to optimize and rally the team towards our desired outcome. I’ve designed, managed, and delivered integrated marketing campaigns, which have successfully cut through and connected with global audiences in meaningful ways. I pride myself on being a trusted strategic partner and creative orchestrator to my teams and clients alike.
I've had the pleasure of working with Brian Eno to transform his Bloom app into a mixed reality installation, helped Childish Gambino bring to life a VR album, resurrected 90's icon Furby to help folks find the perfect gift for their impossible person, produced an indie festival extravaganza around Australia and orchestrated many other creative ideas which have pushed and expanded culture.
In my spare time I enjoy developing tv and film projects, staring at my dog, traveling to places with palm trees and over-caffeinating in airy cafes while reading non-fiction.